What is a Ley Line?
In the World of the Untrodden Ways, Ley Lines are a magical grid that surrounds the entire world (maybe the entire universe). For reasons unknown, the Ley Lines erupt from the bowels of the Earth jumping from one mystical connection point to another. The Ley Lines aren’t regularly spaced around the world. Some origin points connect to many different spots on Earth while others only connect two spots.
Magical users can pull power for spells from the Ley Lines. The threat of the Ley Lines’ power is the Scale of the Power. Only players at the Legendary or Godlike level can regularly draw energy from the Ley Lines without hurting themselves. All the other players use the power from the Ley Lines at their own peril. At minimum, the player is physically or mentally hurt. At worst, the player is incinerated instantly.
Often, in places where two or more Ley Lines intersect, you’ll find the source for local urban legends.