Blood on the Trail

from Evil Hat Productions, LLC

One of our favorite adventure modules for Fate Core is Blood on the Trail by Evil Hat Productions, LLC. It is a great source book for vampires.

Available at DriveThruRPG

The Wild West is full of danger. And vampires.

What does this adventure module give the GM?

Blood on the Trail provides a detailed history of the settlers and all the problems they faced years ago while traveling the classic Oregon Trail. To use the adventure module for The Untrodden Ways settings, employ those details as back story. Enrich your adventure with the tall tales and myths of the Oregeon Trail before it ended at Boyd, Oregon.

Blood on the Trail also provides a plethora of vampire types and natural dangers to use in your campaign.

To adapt Blood on the Trail into urban fantasy, mix this ‘Starting On’ introduction and location aspects with the core concepts of the Blood on the Trail adventure module.

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Starting on the UnTrodden Ways

“Last week your co-worker flew out to Oregon for the wedding of a brother or cousin (no one was sure which). The coworker sent two video messages. The first message was happy celebration. She met a romantic partner. The second message was in the dark with ‘glowing eyes’ everywhere. It could have been a drunken run through the fields, but she didn’t come back to work. 

The invitation on her desk had an address of Boyd, Oregon, 10 miles southeast of Dalles, Oregon. The problem is Boyd, Oregon, hasn’t been a place since the days of the Oregon Trail. More troublesome is Boyd is at the intersection of two Ley Lines.”

Will you visit Boyd, Oregon, a ghost town and the last stop on the old Oregon Trail? What did your coworker encounter in Boyd? Was it her last stop too?

City Aspects

Boyd, Oregon, was once a thriving city at the end of the Oregeon Trail. As more caravans of wagons traveled the trail, the city grew in size and prosperity until one day a fire devestated the town.  Boyd never recovered. The city at the trail’s end met its end (at least for mundane mortals).

  • Theme: Last port of call
  • Threat: What remained behind when the wagon trains stopped?
  • Theme: Family blood
  • Threat: Something was born on the Oregon Trail — something that has lasted the ages

Famous Guest Star NPCs

Supercharge your Role Playing game with a famous guest star from some of the biggest names in urban fantasy.

From the Dresden Files novels and outlined in Dresden Files RPG: Our World by Evil Hat Productions, LLC , GMs could include

  • Warden Carlos Ramirez: his area is the West Coast including Oregon. If there is dangerous vampire activity in Boyd, OR, Carlos would want to know about it.
  • Wizard Elaine Mallory: She operates out of California. It would be true to Elaine’s aspect of ‘giving back to the community’ to visit Boyd, OR, looking for the missing woman.

From author Patricia Briggs, GMs could include characters from the Mercy Thompson series . Boyd, Oregon, is in Mercy Thompson’s backyard.

  • Mercy Thompson shape-shifer
  • Werewolves
  • Stefan (The Soldier), a vampire

It wouldn’t be stretching the imagination too much to believe one of the wolves or vampires from the Twilight saga could be driving on I-84 towards Boise when their car breaks down near Boyd, OR.