Story Starters
2024-10-09 Curious Events Day
October 9, 2024
The world according to Weed, Fae assassin
True to his nature, Gingersnap’s curiosity got the better of him. Acorns, I didn’t think we were going to get him out of the trap. #curious-events-day
2024-10-08 World Octopus Day
October 8, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
The enemy released the largest kraken we had ever seen. It seemed to be everywhere all at once. #world-octopus-day
2024-10-06 National Orange Wine Day
October 6, 2024
A wise man once said
The minotaurs of Georgia are famous for their orange wine. They were exceptional at growing the grapes and even better at producing the wine. #nationalorangewineday
2024-10-05 Bookshop Day
October 5, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
The agents raided a bookstore. They didn’t find anything out of the ordinary in the front. In the back, was a map of darkwells and Ley Lines. #bookshopday
2024-10-04 National Truckers Day
October 4, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
Golden Eagle Trucking signed an exclusive contract to be the carrier of choice for Athena Essentials. Known for their unparallelled network and dedication to customer service, this will be a boon to the witchy community. #nationaltruckersday
2024-10-03 Navratri
October 3, 2024
A wise man once said
Blessed by Lord Ganesh, Durga’s sword was enchanted. The sword gives its keeper wisdom and can cut through any magical enchantment or curse. #navratri
2024-10-02 National Name Your Car Day
October 2, 2024
A wise man once said
After the war, the soldier thought his Jeep was lost. One day, it turned up in his driveway. It has never aged and to this day, the faithful Jeep, Sir W, still protects his family. #nationalnameyourcarday
2024-10-01 National Apple Month
October 1, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
The new grove of Trucarean Apples flourishes. The sorceress guards it. The darkwell hides it from scrying eyes. Blessed are the mothers and their wisdom. #nationalapplemonth
2024-09-30 National Chewing Gum Day
September 30, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
The chewing gum was enchanted. It allowed the chewer to jump horizontally through space. If you blew a bubble, you could jump vertically in space based on the size of the bubble. #nationalchewinggumday
2024-09-29 Michaelmas
September 29, 2024
A wise man once said
Among the wise and traveled of the Untrodden Ways, few have seen the powerful archangels: Angel Michael, Angel Gabriel, and Angel Raphael. #michaelmas