Story Starters
2024-09-18 Locate An Old Friend Day
September 18, 2024
A wise man once said
A very rare gift among the magical is the ability to use the Untrodden Ways to cross the sea of time. There was a wizard who would visit his old friends with news of the future. #locateanoldfriendday
2024-09-17 National Pet Bird Day
September 17, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
At one time Miuna had a pet parrot. That creature never stopped talking and, when it looked at you, it stared right into your soul. #nationalpetbirdday
2024-09-16 Collect Rocks Day
September 16, 2024
A wise man once said
Always be careful collecting rocks on the Untrodden Ways. You never know when you next paper weight will be enchanted or cursed. #collectrocksday
2024-09-15 National Felt Hat Day
September 15, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
This year the Sisterhood of the Hat held a grand ball to celebrate the history of the hat. One of our newest members wore the most exquisite Felt hat. #nationalfelthatday
2024-09-14 Drive Your Studebaker Day
September 14, 2024
A wise man once said
The gremlin that lives next to us has a studebaker in his garage. It looks as good today as it did when it rolled off the assembly line. #driveyourstudebakerday
2024-09-13 National Defy Superstition Day
September 13, 2024
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
Despite overwhelming proof to the contrary, most humans still don’t believe in the supernatural. I for one am happy that is the case. #nationaldefysuperstitionday
2024-09-12 National Police Woman Day
September 12, 2024
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
The John Culling Society has friends in local law enforcement agencies across the world. When they encounter something from the Untrodden Ways, they call our hotline. #nationalpolicewomanday
2024-09-11 Libraries Remember Day
September 11, 2024
A wise man once said
An ancient vampire of considerable power remembers where the Queen’s Library is. He travels there every year to mark his passage across the sea of time with an entry in an equally ancient tome. #librariesrememberday
2024-09-10 Swap Ideas Day
September 10, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
The components of a good con are best generated by swapping ideas among a skilled group of friends. #swapideasday
2024-09-09 Wonderful Weirdos Day
September 9, 2024
Mollie Crenshaw, dark witch
Our local witchy shop always celebrates the magically inclined in early autumn. It is amazing to see the young enjoy the safe space and their gifts. #wonderfulweirdosday