Story Starters
2024-09-08 National Hug Your Hound Day
September 8, 2024
A wise man once said
When you hug a dog, you are tapping into the deep magic of love. #nationalhugyourhoundday
2024-09-07 National Beer Lovers Day
September 7, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
No one. I repeat no one knew how to celebrate like the Vikings. We drained so many barrels of ale. #nationalbeerloversday
2024-09-06 National Read a Book Day
September 6, 2024
A wise man once said
In times long-forgotten, there was a majestic library of magic tomes in the lands ruled by the Queen of Sheeba. The most powerful and influential wizards and witches of the age would travel the world to visit. #nationalreadabookday
2024-09-05 National Child Protection Week
September 5, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
The Greensward Elves began hunting Forest Folk children on the Untrodden Ways. When Edweeda Darktree learned what the Greensward Elves were doing for the Dame, the Dark Lady’s newest enforcer reminded the Greensward elves what fear tastes like. #nationalchildprotectionweek
2024-09-04 National Wildlife Day
September 4, 2024
A wise man once said
There is a legend of a princess who could commune with the animals of the land. Her magic came through her song, and they obeyed her every command through love. #nationalwildlifeday
2024-09-03 Merchant Navy Day
September 3, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
There’s a large colony of mermaids off the coast of the British Isles. The secret to the success of the Merchant Navy are all the mer-people hidden among the seafarers. #merchantnavyday
2024-09-02 Pierce Your Ears Day
September 2, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
The third stud in Miuna’s left ear is an enchanted stone. It binds her to the magical boat. #pierceyourearsday
2024-09-01 Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
September 1, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
Few know this, but Gingersnap is actually a speaking-animal, a ginger cat. He keeps it quiet and assumes a human form the majority of the time. His cat form is very useful trait for a thief who needs to break into impossible places. #gingercatappreciationday
2024-08-31 National Zoo Awareness Day
August 31, 2024
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
There’s a John Culling Society hidden facility called the Zoo. The family that tried to warn me was incarcerated there. Lochlin and I broke them free and helped them hide on a lost part of the Untrodden Ways.
2024-08-30 Frankenstein Day
August 29, 2024
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
Section F is the green-label part of the John Culling Society building. Long ago, that department was known for creating horrific creations. Today, they experiment in deep sciences and magic.