Story Starters
2024-08-17 National I Love My Feet Day
August 17, 2024
A wise man once said
It’s a rare giant that takes proper care of their feet. Given how large they are, the feet are the things we see and smell the most.
#NationalILoveMyFeetDay2024-08-16 National Rum Day
August 16, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
Every summer, Weed and I get together to celebrate as only a pirate and a thief could by drinking ourselves blind with the world’s best rum.
#NationalRumDay2024-08-15 Chant At The Moon Day
August 15, 2024
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
During the week before the full moon, the werewolves come together in an abandoned part of town to chant to their mistress. Unknown to the beasts, The John Culling Society uses the events to tag werewolves and track their movements.
#ChantAtTheMoonDay2024-08-14 World Calligraphy Day
August 14, 2024
Mollie Crenshaw, dark witch
My local witchy store was hosting a spell book building day and teaching everyone the lost arts of papermaking and calligraphy. I saw a few accidental runes of power being drawn.
#WorldCalligraphyDay2024-08-13 National Prosecco Day
August 13, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
I was there when the first glasses of Prosecco were poured. The Roman women drank it liberally claiming it gave them long life. I think they drank it to ward off the advances of Roman men — boring sods.
#NationalProseccoDay2024-08-12 Milkman Day
August 12, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
To scare youngling elves, their parents tell tales of the human Milkman. He travels to human homes with fresh milk and traps any elves foolish enough to be there. He puts them in a huge redblude dungeon never to be seen again.
#MilkmanDayNational Face Mask Day
August 11, 2024
The world according to Weed, Fae assassin
Leprechauns and their face masks. Each family embellishes their masks in the family style and presents the lucky Leprechaun child with the mask upon on their coming of age day. Every mask enhances their connection to the deep magic of family.
#NationalFaceMaskDay2024-08-10 Skyscraper Appreciation Day
August 10, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
I awoke with an uneasy feeling — like the one you get right before a big storm. Walking to the side of the boat with my spyglass, I saw the flashes at the top of the skyscrapper — the one where Weed was meeting the Greensward Elves. I yelled to Gingersnap to grab the rifle and prayed to Mother Ocean that Weed could get to us.
#SkyscraperAppreciationDay2024-08-09 Wear Your Mothers Jewelry Day
August 9, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
Miuna was wearing a special piece of jewelry today. She said it has been passed from mother to daughter for generations and was originally given as a wedding gift from Mother Ocean herself.
#WearYourMothersJewelryDay2024-08-08 Sleep Under The Stars Night
August 8, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
All these streaking stars are bad portents. I was invited to a parley with the Greensward Elves. They’ve never bothered with me before. I despise them. As long as there is elven made wine, why not?