Story Starters
2024-07-10 Teddy Bear Picnic Day
July 10, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
The Sisterhood of the Hat’s annual garden club meeting was interrupted by cursed teddy bears the size of grizzlies. Thanks to whoever sent them. The other sisters didn’t care for the activity, but I had fun slashing the stuffed animals to pieces.
#TeddyBearPicnicDay #ttrpg #urbanfantasy #untroddenways2024-07-09 Call of the Horizon Day
July 9, 2024
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
You’ll see things on the Untrodden Ways that will remind you to dream and aspire to be more than you are.
#CallOfTheHorizonDay #ttrpg #urbanfantasy #untroddenways2024-07-08 One of us is Missing Day
July 8, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
In the middle of the ocean with the full moon high in the sky, it was easy to remember old times and old friends who have passed beyond the veil. We carry their dreams and memories with us.
#OneofusismissingDay #ttrpg #urbanfantasy #untroddenways2024-07-07 Build a Scarecrow Day
July 7, 2024
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
Fields and fields as far as the eyes can see. The only things breaking the vista were the horrific scarecrows. Long arms and legs with scythes and massive masks.
The scarecrows watched as we passed them but didn’t make a move.
#BuildAScarecrowDay2024-07-06 Umbrella Cover Day
July 6, 2024
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
The enchanted umbrella was acting odd so I took it down to my local witchy shop. The hag said the spells had started to fade and unbind themselves from the umbrella. It was beyond her to fix it.
2024-07-05 Work Without Your Hands Day
July 5, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
Take a wizard’s or witch’s wand, and they can’t do magic very well. Tie an elf’s hands behind their backs, and they’ll curse you anyway.
Elves are so much better than humans.
#WorkWithoutYourHandsDay #ttrpg #urbanfantasy #untroddenways2024-07-04 Fourth of July
July 4, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
The human clans are so desperate to have magic, they send explosives into the sky. Yet they treat their wizards and witches with disdain and scorn. Bright Lady, why did you make such conflicted creatures to populate the Untrodden Ways?
#fourthofjuly2024-07-03 Compliment Your Mirror Day
July 3, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
Among Miuna’s many treasures is an enchanted mirror. There’s nothing special about it except the thing never ever tells the truth.
#ComplimentYourMirrorDay #ttrpg #urbanfantasy #untroddenways2024-07-02 National Anisette Day
July 2, 2024
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
The staff room at the complex doesn’t have much in it. Last time I checked, the liquor cabinet had one lonely bottle of Anisette.
#NationalAnisetteDay #ttrpg #urbanfantasy #untroddenways2024-07-01 National Gingersnap Day
July 1, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
I bumped into my best friend Gingersnap. Turns out we both stole some coins from the same mark who hired a band of Venari to hunt us down. It is always a good time when Gingersnap is in town.
#NationalGingersnapDay #ttrpg #urbanfantasy #untroddenways