Story Starters
2024-04-19 National Poker Day
April 19, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
Hope reigns eternal. After 5000 years, we still believe one of us can defeat Connor Soital during our annual card game. In all that time, he’s lost twice. The first time was against a minor god. The second time was a sneak cheat who disappeared after the feast day.
#NationalPokerDay2024-04-19 national garlic day
April 18, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
Who knew vampires had such a good time? Joining them to harass the humans last night was the most fun I’ve had in ages. All the screaming from both vampires and humans. A touch of magic and those garlic cloves entangled the vampires until dawn’s light.
#nationalgarlicday2024-04-17 National Haiku Poetry Day
April 17, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
Tales of old have said
once three ladies walked the ways.
Where is the third now?
#NationalHaikuPoetryDay2024-04-16 World Voice Day
April 16, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
The voices of the sirens when they sing to the deep magics moved me. Moved me to drink a little more to forget the times long-forgotten.
#WorldVoiceDay2024-04-15 World Art Day
April 15, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
Walking the streets of Atlantis during Art Day gives you wonders to behold. Artists imbue their creations with strong magics creating art pieces only found on the Untrodden Ways.
#worldartday2024-04-14 Dreams of Reason Feast Day
April 14, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
Each year the survivors of the Untrodden Ways — forest folk, humans, and others — meet over a huge feast to discuss the happenings among the ways. While the wise eat in the main dining hall, their enforcers and guardians have our own meal and discuss more practical troubles and dark tidings.
#DreamsOfReasonFeastDay2024-04-13 Trucarean Elves
April 13, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
In my dreams, I’m haunted by the Trucarean elves’ connection to nature. It’s like a dark beast that hunts me slowly driving me mad.
#internationalplantappreciationday2024-04-12 Temple of the Bright Lady
April 12, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
In the temple to the Bright Lady, all of the goddess’ acolytes wear clothing adorned with stars.
#wearastarday2024-04-11 National Submarine Day
April 11, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
The undersea landscape around the submerged city of Atlantis is filled with broken water craft. The remains of invaders that were destroyed during the many attempts to conquer the broken nation.
#NationalSubmarineDay2024-04-10 National Siblings Day
April 10, 2024
The world according to Weed, fae assassin
In the times long-forgotten, my family made its way to Old Earth. We were the keepers of the the sacred Trucarean apples. We thought Old Earth would set us free. It did. The humans made sure of it.