Story Starters
God is the Perfect Poet
February 8, 2025
Random Prompts for Role-Playing Sessions
Situation: Pillaging
Denizen Type: Entrepreneur
Outcome Direction: Ends with unexpected money
Mundane Problem: You are worried about spending time foolishly
Theme Quote: God is the perfect poet’ Browning.Opera Day
February 8, 2025
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
It isn’t a thing where we live, but Lochlin tells me he loves Opera and was a regularly attendee years ago.
#operadayNational Jack Day
February 7, 2025
A wise man once said
In his early days, Jack Ridderson was a nobody — less than a nobody. He was a gangly kid that no one cared about who eventually slayed giants and reclaimed his lost kingdom.
#nationaljackdayNational Chopsticks Day
February 6, 2025
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
At our weekly get together at the Chinese restaurant, a group of vampires was causing trouble. With quick thinking, the crew gave chopsticks a new use.
#nationalchopsticksdayUS Snow Sculpting Week
February 5, 2025
From the diary of Queen Nivia of the Snowbound
For the Snowbound, snow sculpting is a magical art form. Entire cities are carved from the white, frozen stuff.
#ussnowsculptingweekNational Stuffed Mushrooms Day
February 4, 2025
From the diary of Queen Nivia of the Snowbound
In my kingdom, we don’t have stuffed mushrooms. They won’t grow on our snowy lands. It feels like an abuse of power to send Snowbound to Old Earth just to get me stuffed mushrooms.
#nationalstuffedmushroomsdayMiuna the Fool
February 3, 2025
The world according to Weed, Fae assassin
Miuna, the fool. She put on a cursed wedding ring. We had to kidnap her one true love so he could kiss her to get the thing off her finger.
#nationalweddingringdayGround Hog Day
February 2, 2025
The world according to Weed, Fae assassin
The humans are celebrating that someone stole the ground hog’s shadow? All of the shadow thieves that I know are not to be crossed. In the corner of the scrying glass, I think I see at least two hunting in the crowd.
Touch a Sore
February 1, 2025
Random Prompts for Role-Playing Sessions
Situation: Unrevealed future
Denizen Type: A rumor monger
Outcome Direction: Deals with magic
Mundane Problem: You have insulted your friends
Theme Quote: Ulcus tangere—To touch a sore.’ Terence.Two Swords
February 1, 2025
From the diary of Queen Nivia of the Snowbound
Many believe that Weed was born with swords in her hands. For the few of us that know her, we understand Edweeda was twisted by the La Belle Dame Sans Merci. The Dame burned combat and fierceness into Weed’s soul creating one of the deadliest creatures you’ll meet on the Untrodden Ways.
#ttrpg #urbanfantasy #untroddenways