Story Starters
National Bird Day
January 5, 2025
Shadow files of Agent Lillian Larson, John Culling Society
Early in the year, the delegation from Aerondale crosses the Untrodden Ways to Old Earth to visit with friends and buy supplies for their kingdom.
All around them fly birds who celebrate the day with sweet songs. Among the crowd are agents watching the Aerondaleans’ every move.
#nationalbirdday #aerondalePerihelion Day
January 4, 2025
The world according to Weed, Fae assassin
Humans can’t feel it, but today Old Earth’s day star is so close and so warm. Praise Mother Spark.
#earthatperihelion #periheliondayChocolate Covered Cherry Day
January 3, 2025
The world according to Weed, Fae assassin
I once knew a troll that would ask for chocolate covered cherries as payment to cross his bridge. Gold. Silver. Spices. Nothing else would do. He only wanted chocolate covered cherries.
#chocolatecoveredcherrydayNational Erica Day
January 2, 2025
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
Each year I bring Erica the Accountant a garnet as payment for all the bookkeeping she does for us. If she only knew how valuable some of the stones were, she would stop working today. Erica is worth every garnet and more.
#nationalericadayPolar Bear Plunge Day
January 1, 2025
From the diary of Queen Nivia of the Snowbound
For the Snowbound, every day is a polar bear plunge day. We are immune to the affects of cold. I enjoy watching our families play in the frozen seas and oceans of our homeland.
#polarbearplungeday2024-12-31 National Champagne Day
December 31, 2024
Enjoy the last day of the year with a glass of champagne and a campaign on the Untrodden Ways. #national-champagne-day
2024-12-30 National Resolution Planning Day
December 30, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
For a cat, Gingersnap can devise the best plans. #national-resolution-planning-day
2024-12-29 International Cello Day
December 29, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
Our buyer said the cello was worth millions. Turns out it was worth nothing and definitely not the trouble we picked up nabbing it. #international-cello-day
2024-12-28 Card Playing Day
December 28, 2024
Emil Longarms, ogre for hire
Between shifts, the Knockers played a game with metal playing cards. Kings would kill for the gems they use as currency. #card-playing-day
2024-12-27 National Fruitcake Day
December 27, 2024
Miuna, pirate and entrepreneur
I once saw a child throw a fruitcake at a charging Minotaur. I swear by the lost lake, it knocked the bull out cold. #national-fruitcake-day